Mit freundlicher Unterstüzung von:
Kid Empress
At times we all should allow ourselves to see the world through children's eyes. Anna Gosteli, Baf Scheipers, Joscha Arnold and Severin Rauch share an unbiased view on things. It leaves space for dreaming and amazement and allows diversity - concerning both their music and their appreciation for equality in love. In Kid Empress four friends celebrate the flow of creative energy and fantasy, which was essential for them, completing jazzstudies at the same college a few years ago. Through music they let themselves drift in the boundless Indie-cosmos and combine styles that need to be connected by band-opinion. Rock with breakbeat - industrial with pop and electronics with scandinavian clarity. Their songs carry hommages to different cultures, without a certain musical homeland. The base is the space between chairs - wonderfully challenging and straight to the heart.
